
The Amigo has been designed with seniors in mind. It is very simple and user-friendly thanks to its large and clear navigation buttons. Amigo is meant for persons with no prior computer experience, wanting to stay in touch with their friends and family. These in turn will interact with the Amigo user through the AmigoClub portal, a secure web site, accessible only to authorized members. The Amigo may also be personalized by caregivers in order to fit the senior person’ specific requirements.
The Amigo tablet will not show emails from unauthorized persons: no spams, no phishing, and no scams. It offers a fully personalized and secure communication environment.
A help line and support tools are in place to answer any questions an Amigo user or its circle of contact persons may have. And behind the scene, the AmigoClub team is constantly working on on-going maintenance and update activities, unnoticed by its users, to ensure a smooth operation.


Vous avez une question ? Vous pouvez nous joindre par téléphone au 058 255 02 01 (si vous appelez en dehors de Suisse, composez le +41 58 255 02 01). Préféreriez-vous être rappelé ? Veuillez laisser vos coordonnées ci-dessous. Nous vous contacterons dès que possible.

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